Welcome to Poetic Deception
Who am I?

- Lady Roar
- Memphis, Tennessee, United States
- I love to write and read and I get expired by things very easily. My desire is to complete many books for viewers to see what I think. I can be a very complex person at times and very forgetful. I try to keep a straight head when writing though. The books that I will publish with in the next few years, will be based on fantasy, some may even be romance based. I have also decided to try and compose a few poetry books. I will post book titles I am working on and a few poems and or short stories. I am actually not sure what all to say about myself. I am a nice mild tempered person. I don't have many friends but I am always trying to make as many new friends as I can. I am open and like almost anything and everything. I enjoy talking and hearing peoples problems or just casual conversation. I also make music beats I don't do it often but I will post when I do. I am also going to try to do a complete song soon so look out for it. Well that's all I can say bout myself hope you like my poetry. Oh that reminds me please comment on my Poems and musical beats.
Are love and hate related?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Came and Gone!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Tomorrows post will be at night or sunday so I can tell you about the rest of the week and how my day went.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Counting Down
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
All Around Me! Part2
I wish I could describe the sky, the clouds slowly passing by.
The tree trembling in the wind, but aren’t scared cause they know they can swim.
A light far away shimmers chased by a very loud sound.
It makes me sad to know that I can not fly because I would chase the sound through out the sky. Who said I was only being shy?
I just don’t want it to pass me by. Torn from my heart I desire to be by its side, that roaring sound that I couldn’t see with my own eyes.
After it was gone I looked up to see blue eyes stare at me. It looked so peaceful and full of ease but soon it turned gray and made my warmth leave.
The shadows all game to start their game. I didn’t want to play this game because even if I win losing will still be the case.
Then I realized the sky was in pain. It cause the shadows had come they were to blame.
The shadows made faces and had many complaints, cause the sky to roar and cry a fierce rain.
I could not say a word so away I went; the fierce rain just could not be tamed.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Working On.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Chinese Etrology that really eplains me!
Your Chinese Sign: | The Rabbit or Cat |
The RABBIT … THE VIRTUOUS RABBIT Mantra: Always prepared to help the world. The reserved Rabbit is very intelligent, intuitive and in touch with nature. Generous by definition, Rabbits can also be afraid of their own power. People trust them easily and admire them, but Rabbits themselves are cautious and discreet. Everywhere they go they create peace for others … but compromise their own inner harmony with sudden mood changes and fear. Rabbits are full of heart and love to take care of the wounded body, heart and soul -- they are gentle and kind. |
Your Sun Sign: | Gemini | Sun 16° Gemini 10' | What's a sun sign? |
Element: Air Key Planet: Mercury | The Twins go everywhere together, hand-in-hand, symbolizing your dual nature. Our world comes in pairs: good and evil, male and female, in and out, yin and yang -- and you Geminis are living proof. Some might say you are an entanglement of paradoxes, but the truth is that you have an easy acceptance of opposites. Your world is one of duality. You can like this and that, one thing and its opposite. It's like you see your world through a radio and you can tune experiences and points of view in and out as your interests change. Motto: "A rolling stone gathers no moss." |
Your Moon Sign: | Libra | Moon 17° Libra 32' | What's a moon sign? |
The Moon in a mental air sign like Libra tends to bring objectivity to the mysterious world of emotions. This can give you a clarity about feelings that keeps you from getting swallowed up in them… but it can also make it harder to tune into your own needs. You're so conditioned to making others feel at ease that you may not deal with what's going on inside of yourself, especially if you can't put it into words. The peace and harmony that you desire is very positive as long as you're not stifling yourself to achieve it. Fairness is not just something you give to others… it's something that you need for yourself to have the kind of relationships that you want. Motto: "I'll compromise my needs to fulfill yours." |
Your Rising Sign: | Gemini | Ascendant 16° Gemini 51' | What's a rising sign? |
Having Gemini Rising is like owning a universal pass key that gets you in everywhere you want to go. That's because you can adapt yourself to all different kinds of people and situations. You instinctively pick up on the prevailing mood and find a way to fit in easily. You tend to be chatty, freely expressing yourself in ways that are pleasant for others to hear. You're open to sharing your thoughts without coming across as bossy or judgmental. You've got a light touch that helps you make your point in a roundabout way, rather than producing resistance by coming on too strong. And you don't appear to be demanding, but tend to have such an outgoing friendly manner that you're welcome just about everywhere. Motto: "Let's talk about it." |
Your Sun Sign represents your basic individuality, who you are when you are alone. This is a very important piece of your astrological profile to be sure, but it is a small part -- there are hundreds of other variables to take into account. It is a mistake to think that knowing about your Sun Sign is going to deliver information about how you process things, interact with the world or deal with emotions and relationships. These and other aspects of your being are reflected by other heavenly bodies and how they all are "aspected" to each other.
Think of it this way: imagine you are looking down a long hallway and see someone at a distance. You're asked to describe the person, but all you can see is they're wearing a red sweatshirt. As you walk closer, you're able to discern that they"ve got blonde hair. Walk closer still and you can see that it's a woman. Closer still and you see freckles on her face.
Astrology operates in much the same way. Knowing the month and day of your birth is to see the most obvious element of an astrological profile -- the Sun Sign. But take a step closer, or add other information that's vital to an astrologer, such as the person's year of birth, exact time of birth and location of birth, and a story unfolds, layer by marvelous layer, detail by detail.
It's worth mentioning that daily horoscopes, the most commonly recognized form of astrology in the world, often appear to offer only a vague reflection of a person's Sun Sign. As you can see, there are many working parts to your astrological makeup, and writing any forecast without benefit of specific birth data is much like being asked to describe someone in great detail from a distance.
That being said, horoscopes can be a wonderful tool for getting the general astrological "lay of the land," and a good daily astrologer is expert at keeping us apprised of general conditions. We're extremely proud to feature professional astrologer Rick Levine and his daily horoscopes on the Tarot.com site, and we hope they'll inspire you to learn more about astrology and your own astrological makeup.
A full astrological report will not only interpret your Sun Sign, but will also tell you how it affects and is affected by your particular Rising Sign, Moon Sign and the other elements of your birth chart.
If your Rising Sign represents your "external" self, it can be said that your Moon Sign represents your "inner" or "emotional" self, or the way you handle your emotions and the way you truly feel, whether you reveal it or not. To most astrologers, the moon is also about your intuition, your inner vulnerabilities, your fears as well as the things that can stir your heart. As is the case with the Ascendant, your Moon Sign may be entirely different from your Sun Sign, and reading your daily horoscope for your Moon Sign can also provide yet more insight into your personal astrological makeup.
A full astrological report will not only interpret your Moon Sign, but will also tell you how it affects and is affected by your particular Sun Sign, Rising Sign and the other elements of your birth chart.
Your Rising Sign is an important part of your astrological chart, because it represents the way you project yourself outward, the way you're seen and perceived by the rest of the world and the general "impression" that you make on others. It is frequently the case that a person will have a Rising Sign that is entirely different from their Sun Sign, and learning about your Rising Sign, and even reading your daily horoscope for that sign, can provide greater insight into your personal astrological makeup.
A full astrological report will not only interpret your Rising Sign, but will also tell you how it affects and is affected by your particular Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and the other elements of your birth chart.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
All Around Me! Part 1
The wind blew gently without making a sound. The breeze felt warm as a summer the, though it is autumn.
The leaves are not falling and the days are not changing they are always the same.
This is what I thought on that faithful day. My eyes can not see what could not be seen. It was if I was in a dream.
Time passed me by slowly each day.
The thoughts I had of love weren't there anymore. Misguidance on my part for simply just entering your domain without knowing anything, I feel so lame.
I did it all on a whim without even knowing your name. Truthfully I could and probably should ask but would anything really change.
No! It will never last nothing will ever change. I feel so hurt, I've never felt this pain, it feels like I was slain by an unknown danger.
Slain by your hands although you never touched me it all seems so plain. It was almost as if we were playing and evil game.
I found it very fun but to lose.....I think I'm done. Its not that gave in I just want to wait till the next time I can have some more fun.
Next time I'll bring a friend to simply guide me, I get lost so easily in this game we play. It gives me a feeling that my skies have all turned gray.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Back Again
From your mouth I heard the words : I'm sorry lets start over."
Can it be that simple though, should I trust you with my heart once more.
Can I depend on you not to hurt me as you've done once before.
You seed I carried without your knowledge and lost it just the same.
You did know of all my suffering and pain. I wanted to tell you, I truly did, but I was scared of what you might say.
Not that it matter cause I still couldn't be with you anyway.
Now your back and I stand with this decision to keep you as long as I can or just leave it be.
I choose to try, to try to gain you love and if I fail I can only move on.
A friend you'll always be, though, in my heart forever more.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
What my mind thinks!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Scorn and Rage!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
One Tear!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I've lived this life of misfortune. Yet I have no regrets.
I have not seen the world I wanna see. Though I shall return to view it.
With each dying wish a new life is born. This we call our dreams.
This pain I feel is not physical yet it wears my body away.Now I am left in such a tired state.
I do not cry from this pain for it brings me great joy. I got to see you and know your name so there is nothing left to ploy.
My heart is filed with so much joy but still it doesn't dismiss my pain. I feel as though all these year all I did was stand in rain.
My soul feels so overwhelmed that I can't really tell. Did you love me or was it hate that you did dwell?
How can I say just wait and see another day. My days are dead inside my head I really have no faith.
So watch me now as I suffer this pain that you caused. I am not mad though cause for a moment I felt my heart could never fall.
Monday, May 19, 2008
I feel so many things that contradict. My feelings are intimidated by my goodness.
I feel as though I should say yet be silent. to feel is to heal is what I thought as a motto.
I feel, I feel, I feel, and yet I am numb from feeling nothing anymore.
Nothing more but sadness in my heart of despair.
I hold a hand out to your heart for I am not that far apart from the love you hold dear in your heart.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I felt so bad I wanted to die. I was told things that made my heart cry. The tears were falling yet my face stayed dry.
I tried to hide the pain that crowed inside. The fear that made my soul coward, I ask who can hide such harsh desires. A life of dispersal living in this world is so unfair.
Why live just to die? Why die after feeling the joy of life?
My eyes are open to all the tainted infirmaries of this world. I shall no longer walk shadows of fake love, from now on my answers come from above.
This world is destruction and makes a person feel destroyed. Why was I born here, am I that unlucky. As I beg to the person I don’t know for help but he won’t answer for to him I am but a bad seed in humanities garden of life.
Why should I even be allowed to breather? I try but fail in my every attempt to stay sane.
I throw away my happiness just to live another day.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Can you find me, do you know who I am?
I went through the forest and through the town.
I followed a bunny across a sunny field.
Can you find me, do you know who I am?
I went to Jakes house and then to Tom's.
I saw a bird and followed it home.
I hitched a ride from a passing cat, that was big and black.
Can you find me, Do you know who I am?
I fell to the ground where I could not play.
I sat in the sun till I withered away.
I'll come back on a less sunny day.
Can you find me, do you know who I am?
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I don’t think……
Listening to people tell me this and that, I would let my ears hear the facts. Yet now I regret what I did not want to hear and hold my head down in shame, no fear.
I’m scared of the thought of what came this fear I feel is from the lies of scorn. I am always alone never with the one I truly do love.
Concealed by dreams that will never be true I desperately follow you. Walking close like a shadow of yours not knowing truly what was to come.
The pain you felt from my distantness is only because I couldn’t wish. I didn’t wish for things to be better for life to be just like my dream. I didn’t wish for happiness so I was giving the other, it was as if it was hand picked.
I took what was given and didn’t say a word, my destiny that was missing so much love. Oh there it is that word again why can’t I have it do I seem so selfish.
I did what I want I do what I want I am what I want to be, is what I told myself. I never thought that manipulation was real, it seem to be a mind thing that only the weak could feel.
Well I guess I am weak or was who knows. I only know about how I feel, wait I don’t even know about that I’m hopeless.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I think….thoughts.
Things are never as they seem. People are never who they’re suppose to be. Life is always like a dream be it bad or good it always becomes reality. That’s just my thoughts of course no one else knows of these words. I think every day about so many things; life is just one of many that give my brain a tease. I wonder why I think this way. I’ve changed my thoughts but it seems as if they are the same. I remember as a child I wanted so much but never asked for a single thing. My thought just lingered and wondered around searching for a love that could never be found. I was told many times the love I wanted was from a man named God but if that’s true why can’t I feel that in my heart. It’s true I do love that man but is he the only one I’m destiny to depend. So many things contradict this world religion and science and even just plain belief are all things that are different to me. The truth is no one knows the truth. People want say it though because then it’ll hurt them to. To believe in something must be nice but just because you believe doesn’t mean its right. Ha! I talk in the weirdest ways as if I was waiting for something better to say. Well I have nothing better no better thought or judgment I only even write so that I can see it. I want to see what I am thinking then maybe I can believe it but my thoughts are so complex that life has little meaning. True desires conquer most but it never conquered me. I hate that it hasn’t because I kind of wanted it. I wanted to have someone just for me but that’s way too selfish as if I am anything. To be wanted to want to love to hate the thought that circles my mind and imitate. As small as I want it to be it gets larger, I mean my thoughts you see. They just keep growing never letting go of me. So now it’s as I’m being held against my will, can that truly be. Can something with no physical form really hold on to me or is that I thought to hard and it has already set me free. Who knows I am way to complex to think of such a thing but reading what I’ve said, I come to think: Do I even know me? I think….thought way too differently. My mind thinks about thinking thoughts before thinking them. I think what I just said was difficult for even me to understand but it’s me so why? Why can I comprehend the thought I seek to think? I’ll never know why so why do I keep seeking.